

With the increasing use of technology students are expected to transition from the traditional hardbook covered book and read ebooks. I am the type of student who loves a book to hold in my hand. In the past two courses through university I found myself printing out reams of paper to just have that experience to “hold it in my hand”. During the courses I have read ebooks where I had to but my preference is a hard copy of a book.

This course has given me greater experience of learning to read ebooks and adjusting the the change.  I was introduced to the term moodle books. What is moodle?  The teachers use this to create books to teach university students and add links and videos and tasks to complete. What a great tool we are experiencing.

This brings reading an ebook to life and I can see how students would benefit from this experience. Some students have trouble doing homework using a moodle will make it interactive and visually appealing I am sure this would be one interesting way to present homework.

                Ebooks    Click on the icon or here to see how to create a moodle book